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Projects Recommendation

Creating a Prototype of Microturbine Wind Panel

Creating a Prototype of Microturbine Wind Panel

This project is about one renewable source of energy, a wind power which captured through a turbine that convert wind energy into usable electricity.

Diagnostic Tool for Image Analysis of Indicators with OpenCV

Diagnostic Tool for Image Analysis of Indicators with OpenCV

This project is about to create an create an electronic taste sensor that is able to categorize the food samples into their respective characteristics, such as pH level and glucose content.

Strain sensor development based on PEDOT-PSS on biodegradable film for robotics

Strain sensor development based on PEDOT-PSS on biodegradable film for robotics

This project explores the fabrication of organic flex sensor based on PEDOT:PSS semiconductor. Carrageenan and/or soap was found to be effective to facilitate the coating of the semiconducting material to plastic film substrate.


3D-Printed Open-Ended Sound Diffuser Design for Noise Pollution Mitigation

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